The Message Of The Present Administrator
The Shrine
of Calvary in Hiniduma is an oasis of spiritual solace comforting and
strengthening spiritually all those who take time to step in here as they walk
the pilgrimage of life. Walking down the memory lane I am stuck by the patient
efforts of so many zealous priests and committed lay faithful who worked at the
expansion of the Shrine with firm determination. Today it stands as a perennial
monument to remind everyone, the drama of love enacted by Jesus Christ two
thousand years ago and to perpetuate its memory inspiring all those who want to
commit themselves to further the cause of Christ and follow Him closely.
shrines came into existence due to the toil and labour of Rev. Fr. Cyril
Edirisinghe a zealous and faithful servant of the Lord. I am sure; Fr.
Edirisinghe from his eternal home must be shaping and reshaping still the work
he started. After him priests, who laboured and still continue to labour in
this mission of Christ, try to carry out the same inspiration for the benefit
of thousands of pilgrims who flock to the shrine every year. I as the present Administrator
am proud of all my predecessors and I will make every effort to see that the
faithful are benefited by their pilgrimages to the Shrine. In the same tone of
gratitude I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to His Lordship, Most Rev.
Dr. Raymond Wickramasinghe, the Bishop of Galle and the Vicar General Very.
Rev. Fr. Nihal Nanayakkara and The Apostolic Vicar, Very Rev. Fr. Charles Hewawasam
and all my brother priests and religious in the Diocese in particular and out
side the Diocese in general for their generous assistance render when the
pilgrim season is on. I pray that the Lord Jesus, in whose memory every
faithful visits this place, will continue to bless the pilgrims and be a solace
in their trials.
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